Change in the Motivation to Receive Treatment by Overweight Adolescent Girls in the Course of Counseling

Anastasia Votineva, Zhanna Prokhorova, Vladimir Polyakov, Lyubov Rychkova, Irina Yaroslavtseva

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2020;10(4):448-452.
DOI: 10.21103/Article10(4)_OA23
Originally published December 10, 2020


The purpose of this study was to reveal changes in the motivation to receive treatment by overweight adolescent girls in the course of counseling.
Methods and Results: The study included 2 groups of overweight girls with gynecological disorders  aged between 14 years and 16 years. Group 1 comprised 20 girls admitted to a hospital for the first time; Group 2 consisted of 20 girls who had undergone treatment earlier (were admitted repeatedly). The motivational-personal sphere was studied using the following methods: (1) McClelland’s method for testing social and psychological activity motivators; (2) S.R. Panteleev’s research method of self-attitude; (3) EAT-26; (4) The body satisfaction method by Collins.
The results obtained showed that changing motivation to receive treatment is a complex process implying changes in motivational induction: Achievement Motive, Affiliation Motive, Help Motive, Development Motive, and Cognition Motive. It was also revealed that directly actingtives prevailed over those emerging due to awareness of the treatment’s purpose.
Conclusion: a specially developed counseling process comprising diagnostic, informational, correctional and developmental aspects of working with adolescent girls individually and in groups contributed to changing motivation to receive treatment by overweight adolescent girls.

overweight • adolescent girls • counseling • motivation • personal sphere

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Received October 2, 2020.
Accepted November 20, 2020.
©2020 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.