Some Molecular Mechanisms of Cervical Ripening

Yu. V. Grigorieva, G. N. Suvorova, A. M. Chaulin, S. N. Yukhimets, S. N. Chemidronov, V. N. Vankov

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2020;10(4):324-329.
DOI: 10.21103/Article10(4)_RA3
Originally published December 10, 2020


Cervical remodeling is an active dynamic process that begins long before the onset of labor. The optimal course of the cervical ripening/remodeling processes is a prerequisite for successful vaginal delivery. Cervical remodeling is a slow progressive process that begins early in mammalian pregnancies, and can be loosely divided into four overlapping phases termed softening, ripening, dilation/labor, and postpartum repair. This review discusses some aspects of structural changes in the cervix at different stages of cervical ripening. In particular, the role of cervical epithelia, immune-inflammatory factors/cells, and components of the cervical extracellular matrix in cervical ripening is considered. A better understanding of the molecular-biochemical and histophysiological processes occurring during cervical remodeling is critical for the development of novel approaches to treat cervical insufficiency, preterm labor, and postpartum cervical disorders associated with its integrity.

cervical ripening • extracellular matrix • histophysiological processes
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Received July 29, 2020.
Accepted October 14, 2020.
©2020 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.