Molecular Predictors of Effective Implantation and Live Birth in IVF Programs

Elena G. Chukhnina, Evgeny L. Kazachkov, Ekaterina E. Voropaeva, Ella A. Kazachkova, Miroslava L. Polina, Natalya I. Douglas

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2021;11(4):532-537.
DOI: 10.21103/Article11(4)_OA21
Originally published December 10, 2021


The aim of the study was to improve the possibilities of predicting blastocyst implantation and live birth of ART programs in women of late reproductive age with tubal-peritoneal infertility based on immunohistochemical markers of the endometrium.
Methods and Results: The results of IVF and IVF/ICSI programs were analyzed in 68 patients of late reproductive age (36-44 years of age) with tubal-peritoneal factor of infertility. Morphological examination of the endometrium was performed on Day 7 after confirmed ovulation in the cycle preceding ART. The expression of vitamin D receptors (VDR) and HOXA11 in endometrial stromal cells was assessed by immunohistochemical method. The effectiveness of using the endometrial markers VDR and HOXA11 as potential predictors of ART programs efficiency was confirmed by prognostic models. The levels of the stromal expression of VDR<8.7% and HOXA11<6.1% (probability >0.27) were determined to be favorable for successful blastocyst implantation. The expression levels of VDR<8.3% and HOXA11<6.1% in endometrial stromal cells are prognostically favorable for live birth (probability >0.19) in women of late reproductive age with tubal-peritoneal infertility who undergoing ART treatment with their own oocytes.

assisted reproductive technology • vitamin D receptor • HOXA11 • implantation • live birth
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Received August 10, 2021.
Accepted September 18, 2021.
©2021 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.