Effectiveness of Cryopreservation in Patients of Young Reproductive Age with the Risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation, "Thin" Endometrium and Previous IVF Failures

Natalia V. Protopopova, Kseniia V. Krylova, Elena B. Druzhinina, N. V. Boldonova, Albina V. Labygina, V. N. Dudakova

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2021;11(4):538-542
DOI: 10.21103/Article11(4)_OA22
Originally published December 10, 2021


The article provides an analysis of clinical, anamnestic and laboratory parameters for patients of young reproductive age who participated in IVF programs and have cryopreserved embryos. The main reasons for embryo cryopreservation were prevention of OHSS, "thin" endometrium and "previous IVF failures." It has been found that the patients from the group of transfer cancellation due to prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation had a higher ovarian reserve, a larger number of eggs, fresh and frozen embryos, and shorter shelf life of frozen embryos. All embryos were of the best quality (corresponding to the day of cultivation); the “post-thaw cultivation” technique was applied. During stimulation, lower amounts of gonadotropins were used. Patients with thin endometrium and previous IVF failures demonstrated slow growth of follicles, which required a higher course dose of gonadotropins with the addition of LH-containing preparations. Regardless of the group, in most cases, frozen/thawed embryos were transferred at the blastocyst stage (Day 5). The pregnancy rate was high in patients at risk of OHSS and with thin endometrium (48.6%, 48.0%). Patients with IVF failures had a lower pregnancy rate; this is due to endometrial pathology in the medical history, a smaller number of antral follicles, oocytes, fresh and frozen embryos, and longer shelf life of frozen embryos.

assisted reproductive technologies • in vitro fertilization • vitrification • ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome • thin endometrium.
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Received September 21, 2021.
Accepted October 30, 2021.
©2021 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.