Resonant Actualization of Cultural Codes as a Determinant of Mental and Social Transformations (Part 1)

Alexander G. Kruglov, Andrey A. Kruglov

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2022;12(3):476-479.
DOI: 10.21103/Article12(3)_PV
Originally published September 5, 2022


The unification of cultural codes forms the basic set of code symbols (image+sense), which are the basis for recognition, orientation, social cooperation, and response to external appeals. The result of unification is a stable system of deterministic goal-setting and behavioral equivalents. Cultural codes, as a derivative of upbringing, education, and cultural landscape, are the result of spatiotemporal transformation (from fields of reception to displacement from consciousness and compression) of organized information constructs - "dominants" encoded in the form of electro/magnetic patterns. "Dominant" in this message is a generalized definition of organized, hierarchical constructs (packages) of information carriers, forced out of the conscious levels of the psyche and continuing to circulate in closed, reverberant neural circuits. The "dominants" forced out of consciousness circulate through recurrent neural circuits, the activity of which is reduced to several stable states, performing the functions of information retention. The electrical and magnetic parameters of the repressed "dominants" are the basic potential of frequency resonance upon presentation of a perceptual/cognitive construct that is close in frequency parameters - a "code key" at the entrance to the psyche system. The basic principle of information exchange is the formation of the initial resonance potential: the arsenal of "dominants," the concentration of information in frequency electro-magnetic patterns. The interaction of the "information universe" with the arsenal of "dominants" is a resonant process of frequency coincidence of the patterns of the "code key" and the "dominant" displaced from consciousness, which results in actualization, the appearance of an object of resonance in the field of voluntary attention, in consciousness. The updated "dominant," as a "resonant operator," determines the dynamics of the system as a whole for the period of relevance. The phase transition in the socio/cultural environment is the result of changes in the hidden meanings of social frames. The dynamics of the perception of the transformation of frames under changing (appearing new) hidden meanings ["habituation">"acceptability">"acceptability”] determines the growth of the frustration potential associated with acquired needs. The transformation of basic cultural codes rebuilds the mechanism of reproduction of the ethnocultural matrix and congruent social structures.

resonance • phase synchronization • cultural code • dominant focus • neuronal networks • information universe
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Received May 5, 2022.
Accepted June 5, 2022.
©2022 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.