Antioxidant Bio-Complexes from Renewable Arctic Raw Materials

Аlbina V. Stepanova¹; Vera V. Anshakova, PhD, ScD¹; Ya. А. Slepokurov²; A.V. Zagorenko³; Dmitry M. Uvarov¹; P.P. Vasilyev¹

¹M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia; ²Saint-Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia; ³PeoplesFriendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding authors: Vera V. Anshakova, PhD. North-Eastern Federal University, the Republic of Sakha, Russia. E-mail:

Published: June 20, 2016.  DOI: 10.21103/Article6(2)_ShC2


We present the results of the investigation of the effect of mechanical activation on the content of low molecular weight antioxidants in powder mixture based on lichen thallus and small amounts of Rhodiola rosea to create nutritional supplements based on them. 

lichen thallus; Rhodiola rosea; mechanochemical activation; low molecular weight antioxidants.
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Int J Biomed. 2016;6(2):136-137. © 2016 International Medical Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved.