Epidemiological Characteristics of Hepatitis A in Some Regions of Kazakhstan with Different Degrees of the Severity of Ecological Disaster

Maria N. Omarova, PhD, ScD; Lyazat Zh. Orakbay, PhD, ScD*; Idelbay Kh. Shuratov, PhD,ScD; Aizhan B. Dzhumagalieva PhD; Gul'sairam M. Akdauletova; Saltanat O. Aliaskarova, PhD

Scientific Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology named after Hamza Zhumatov; Almaty, Kazakhstan

*Corresponding author: Lyazat Orakbay, PhD, ScD. Scientific Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology named after Hamza Zhumatov. Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: ncgigieny@mail.ru

Published: September 12, 2016.  DOI: 10.21103/Article6(3)_OA14


The results of a retrospective epidemiological analysis of the hepatitis A incidence among children in the studied territories showed no connection between the incidence rate and the ecological status of the territory. the strategic vaccination of children in areas of high endemicity is the most effective way to control HAV, or possibly to eliminate it. 

hepatitis A virus; incidence rate; cumulative indices; ecological disaster; vaccination
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Int J Biomed. 2016;6(3):225-227. © 2016 International Medical Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved.