Reproductive Attitudes and Sexual Behavior of Women and Men Living with HIV

Olga Leshchenko, Margarita Bazyaeva, Albina Labygina

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2022;12(2):247-250.
DOI: 10.21103/Article12(2)_OA8
Originally published June 5, 2022


An anonymous survey was conducted, covering the issues of reproductive attitudes and contraceptive behavior in 50 women (mean age of 30.9±4.5 years) and 35 men (mean age of 31.1±3.2 years) with HIV infection of stages 4B and 4C. The study was carried out using a structured questionnaire that included questions about age, marital status, methods of contraception, reproductive plans, and reproductive and medical history. An anonymous interview with 85 HIV-infected respondents revealed that most of the women (82.0%) had contracted HIV through heterosexual contact, while in the men, the parenteral route of HIV infection predominated (57.1%) (P=0.0126). Statistically significant differences were found between the rate of single women and men: 21(42%) women versus 2(5.7%) men (P<0.001). An analysis of contraceptive behavior revealed statistically significant differences: 26% of the women and 8.6% of men (P<0.05) did not use any methods of contraception with regular or irregular sexual life. The majority of respondents used a barrier method of contraception and coitus interruptus. The vast majority of women (80%) had a desire to have children in an indefinite future, as opposed to 37.1% of the men (P<0.001). About 11.4% of men and 10% of women (P>0.05) definitely did not plan pregnancy in the future, mainly because of their unsatisfactory financial situation and the presence of a current HIV infection. Forty-two percent of the women did not undergo periodic medical examinations by a gynecologist or other specialists, and 44% of them indicated the reason for the lack of visits to the doctor as an unsatisfactory attitude of medical personnel towards them. The results obtained are important for the development of optimal medical care that alleviates the burden of HIV infection. In addition to medical care, health care providers must consider social and psychological needs to help HIV patients improve their health, including their sexual and reproductive health.

reproductive health • contraception • pregnancy • quality of life
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Received April 18, 2022.
Accepted May 25, 2022.
©2022 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.