Analysis of Occlusal Force Distributions at the Position of Maximum Intercuspation in Patients with Fixed Restorations

Rajmonda Halili, Jadranka Bundevska, Venera Bimbashi, Sotir Maja, Goce Dimoski, Sebahate Hamiti Alidema

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2022;12(3):423-427.
DOI: 10.21103/Article12(3)_OA14
Originally published September 5, 2022


The aim of the study was to determine maximum bite force (MBF) and the percentage of bite force distribution at the position of maximum intercuspation for patients with fixed restorations.
Methods and Results: This study enrolled 60 subjects [33(55%) female and 27(45%) male] divided into two groups: The control group (CG) included 30 patients with intact teeth; the experimental group (EG) included 30 patients with fixed restorations. In EG, occlusion was analyzed before and after fixed restoration insertion (FRI). We used the T-Scan III Computerized Occlusal Analysis System 7.0 (Tekscan Inc., South Boston, MA, USA) for analysis. The present study showed a significant difference in MBF between CG and EG before and after FRI (P<0.05). In the present study, there were no statistically significant differences in force distribution in the right and left half of the string between groups (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Occlusal analysis with T-Scan III is the only method that enables us to estimate the force differences between the natural teeth and fixed restorations in occlusion.

maximum bite force • occlusal force • fixed restoration • T-Scan III
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Received July 11, 2022.
Accepted August 14, 2022.
©2022 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.