Resonant Actualization of Cultural Codes as a Determinant of Mental and Social Transformations (Part 2)

Alexander G. Kruglov, Andrey A. Kruglov

International Journal of Biomedicine. 2022;12(4):675-678.
DOI: 10.21103/Article12(4)_PV
Originally published December 5, 2022


The cumulation of cultural codes forms and structures the integral matrix of information capacity - the cognitive thesaurus (CT) of the psyche. The dissociation of the parameters of the current balance of somatic/mental homeostasis initiates a compensatory need. The "need" extracts from the CT (actualizes) the "image" of the cultural code - a representable informational equivalent of the "need" ("dominant"). Being the content of consciousness at the time of relevance, "dominant" acquires the properties of a resonant operator, a dominant focus, forming control mental constructs. Actualization of the "dominant" initiates the activity of the "action result acceptor." For the actual dominant, the "action result acceptor" is an indicator/corrector, a frequency matching censor (resonance): perceptual dynamics of operational images of external presentation ("code key") to the parameters of the "dominant" (code). Decoding the physical parameters of the "code" provides the potential to regulate the resonant impact on the arsenal of "cultural codes" of CT through moderation of the "code key." The CT, through the "action result acceptor" (the extra-conscious regulator of the actual autonoetic forms of mental activity), programs and formats the somatic/psychic continuum of the individual. The integral matrix of the CT, having a location outside the conscious sector of the psyche, including the imperative corrector of the perceived sector of the psyche associated with the emotional register, determining/correcting the main vectors of the regulation of the life continuum, is meaningfully close to the philosophical/psychological criteria of the main cognitive regulator of the person activity, defined as the soul.

cultural code • neuronal networks • cognitive thesaurus • spatiotemporal transformation • soul

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Received September 6, 2022.
Accepted November 2, 2022.
©2022 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.