International Journal of Biomedicine. 2020;10(2):174-177.
DOI: 10.21103/Article10(2)_CR
Originally published June 15, 2020.
The article presents a clinical case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) and DIP after a single dose of thiorizadine, and discusses the issues of differential diagnosis and treatment methods. A 57-year-old patient with long-term remission of schizophrenia due to insomnia was prescribed thiorizadine. After a single dose, symptoms of parkinsonism in the form of hypokinesia, muscle rigidity and bradyphrenia developed and began to progress. Three weeks later NMS developed, and treatment was carried out in the intensive care unit. When signs of parkinsonism persisted, she was hospitalized in the neurological department. Regression of symptoms occurred by her taking amantadine sulfate.
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Received April 21, 2020.
Accepted May 23, 2020.
©2020 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.