International Journal of Biomedicine. 2022;12(2):227-231.
DOI: 10.21103/Article12(2)_OA4
Originally published June 5, 2022
The muscular-fibrous frame of the heart (MFFH) synchronizes and compensates for the pressor effect of the myocardium between the high/low-energy regions (left/right) of the heart. The anatomical structures of MFFH (plastic muscular-fibrous formation with a phase change in contours, valves, valve rings) form the "cardiac mean integral pressure" (CMIP). MFFH, a variable spatial structure, forms the starting pressor levels of “opening/closing” of valves and hemodynamic vectors of the heart chambers, systemic and pulmonary circulation, and also compensates for excess pressor pressure (having a variable gradient) at the boundaries of the heart chambers. Throughout the cardiac cycle (CC), on the path "venous block-lung-arterial block-aorta," variable pressure values, compensated by the structures of MFFH, are formed between the blood flows of the right and left parts of the heart. A mutual adaptation of SVs of the ventricles is formed by phase-by-phase compensatory plastics of MFFH. CMIP of MFFH is an integral indicator, where each point reflects: 1) CC phase (time and place); 2) the average value of the range of values in which the equilibrium point of pressor compensation between the high/low-energy processes of this CC phase is located. CMIP is a vector of the MFFH phase dynamics, which compensates for the excess pressor effect with a changing gradient through CC.
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Received April 2, 2022.
Accepted May 13, 2022.
©2022 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.