International Journal of Biomedicine. 2022;12(3):417-422.
DOI: 10.21103/Article12(3)_OA13
Originally published September 5, 2022
Background: Residual ridge resorption is a chronic, progressive, irreversible process, and poses a clinical challenge to finding the appropriate methods and treatments for edentulous patients. The aim of this study was to assess patients with an edentulous mandible with regards to the height and width dimensions in molar, premolar, and symphyseal regions using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).
Methods and Results: A CBCT was performed on 60 patients, edentulous for more than 5 years. The height of residual bone (RB) was measured on 7 sites of the mandible, whereas the width of RB was measured on 5 sites. The highest mean value of residual bone height (BH) was measured in the symphyseal region, while the lowest value was measured in the right side molar region. The highest mean value of residual bone width (BW) was measured in the symphyseal region, while the lowest value was measured in the right side premolar region. Male patients had significantly higher RB in the mandible. The residual BW was insignificantly higher in males than in females, excluding the symphyseal region.
Conclusion: Analysis of the characteristics of BH and BW by CBCT enables a dentist to achieve a higher degree of accuracy during the implant placement and to select the appropriate implant design.
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Received July 6, 2022.
Accepted August 8, 2022.
©2022 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.