For citation: Budnevsky AV, Ivanchuk YS, Tribuntseva LV, Chernik TA, Ovsyannikov ES, Volynkina AP, Olysheva IA. Control Level, Quality of Life and Physical Activity in Patients with Asthma and Osteoarthritis. International Journal of Biomedicine. 2024;14(3):406-409. doi:10.21103/Article14(3)_OA2
Originally published September 6, 2024
Background: Asthma and osteoarthritis (OA) are common chronic diseases with increasing incidence and prevalence. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of osteoarthritis on the course of asthma, quality of life (QoL), and physical activity in patients with asthma.
Methods and Results: This cross-sectional study included 137 patients with moderate asthma. Most patients were overweight or obese (81.8%). All patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 included 46 asthma patients without osteoarthritis (13 men and 33 women, mean age of 51.57±10.45 years); Group 2 included 91 patients with asthma and hip and knee OA (23 men and 68 women, mean age of 54.10±9.17 years).
All participants underwent a clinical assessment of diseases, X-ray examination of the knee and hip joints, determination of the Lequesne algofunctional index (LAI), and spirometry. Three questionnaires were used in this study: the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire standardized version (AQLQ-S), and the Asthma Control Questionnaire (5-item version) (ACQ-5)
LAI was predictably higher in Group 2 than in Group 1 (9.77±4.18 vs. 2.35±1.93 points, P<0.0001). In Group 2, there were significantly more patients with uncontrolled asthma (χ2=55.232, P=0.0000) and obesity (χ2=132,612, P=0.0000) than in Group 1.
In Group 2, the values of total physical activity and energy expenditure ≥3 МЕТ, as well as the AQLQ(S) scores (on all domains), were significantly lower than in Group 1. Positive correlations were revealed between the level of asthma control and the stage of osteoarthritis (r=0.55, P=0.0000) and BMI (r=0.63, P=0.0000). Also, there was a negative correlation between the stage of osteoarthritis and FEV1 (r=-0.23, P=0.0234) and FVC (r=-0.24, P=0.0157) as well as between BMI and FEV1 (r=-0.37, P=0.0003) and FVC (r=-0.44, P=0.0000).
Conclusion: Osteoarthritis is associated with decreased asthma control and negatively affects physical activity and quality of life in patients with asthma.
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Received June 8, 2024.
Accepted July 21, 2024.
©2024 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.