Tashkent State Dental Institute; Tashkent, Uzbekistan
*Corresponding author: Umida A. Shukurova, PhD. Tashkent State Dental Institute; Tashkent, Uzbekistan. E-mail: shua1981@mail.ru
Published: March 16, 2016. DOI: 10.21103/Article6(1)_OA16
The aim of the study was to assess the content of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in feces of patients with different clinical forms of oral lichen planus (OLP).
Materials and Methods: The study included 139 patients with different clinical forms of OLP in the acute stage. The diagnosis of OLP was performed according to both clinical and histopathological criteria. Patients were distributed in four groups according to the clinical form of OLP. Group 1 included 36 patients with the reticular form of OLP; Group 2 included 34 patients with the exudative-hyperemic form of OLP; Group 3 included 27 patients with the erosive-ulcerative form of OLP; Group 4 included 42 patients with the bullous form of OLP. The four groups to be compared were randomized by sex and age. The control group consisted of 40 healthy, age-matched, randomly selected persons without clinical and instrumental signs of OLP and other diseases of the oral cavity. The concentration of SCFAs in feces was evaluated by gas-liquid chromatography. The profiles (specific concentration) of C2, C3, and C4 acids, the ratio of iso-acids to straight-chain acids (iso-Cn/Cn) and iso-C5/C5 were also calculated.
Results: Three types of SCFA changes reflecting the activity of certain groups of microorganisms were found. For all types of the SCFA disorders, we found a marked increase in the iso-C5/C5 ratio. The severity of dysbiosis increased with the severity of clinical forms of OLP. Changes in the qualitative and quantitative contents of SCFAs reflect the disturbances in gut microbiocenosis in LPO patients, which may be one cause for aggravation of the pathological process.
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Int J Biomed. 2016; 6(1):74-77. © 2016 International Medical Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved.