International Journal of Biomedicine. 2019;9(3):257-259.
DOI: 10.21103/Article9(3)_ShC1
Originally published September 15, 2019
The aim of our study was to analyze early postoperative complications in patients with colon cancer complicated by acute malignant bowel obstruction (AMBO).
We analyzed surgical outcomes in 90 patients aged 48 years and over (both sexes) with AMBO, who underwent surgical treatment. The results of the study showed that 30(33.3%) of the 90 patients studied had postoperative complications, of which 6(6.7%) had two or more combined complications; the mortality rate was 3.3%. The most frequent complications were postoperative suppuration (14/15.6%) and suppuration of the paracolostomy wound (17/18.9%). In our opinion, a significant number of postoperative complications are associated with the advanced age of patients (mean age of 65.3±9.8 years), comorbidity in 96.7% of patients, and late diagnosis of colon cancer (stage IV in 25.6% of patients).
Development and implementation of more advanced methods of colostomy formation, algorithms for predicting and preventing postoperative complications in patients with AMBO will help reduce the occurrence of complications.
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Received February 20, 2019.
Accepted May 4, 2019.
©2019 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.