Features of Clinical Course of Pregnancy and Childbirth in Cases of Extremely Low Birth Weights Babies in Western Siberian Region

Elena N. Kravchenko, PhD, ScD¹*, Sophia S. Sinitsina², Alesya V. Mishutina¹

¹Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk, Russian Federation

²First Clinical Maternity Hospital, Omsk, Russian Federation

*Corresponding author: Elena N. Kravchenko, PhD, ScD, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Postgraduate Education Department, Omsk State Medical Academy, 12 Lenin str., 644043, Omsk, Russian Federation. Tel: 7-3812-23-02-93. E-Mail: kravchenko.en@mail.ru


The aim of this study is to evaluate the risk factors involved in the pregnancy and delivery outcomes of extremely low birth weight (ELBW) fetuses in the West Siberian region. The termination of pregnancy between 22 and 27 weeks is undoubtedly associated with a notably complicated obstetric history. Patients with a history of ELBW suffered a high frequency of gynecologic and extragenital diseases, including hereditary thrombophilia and hemostatic disorders. Survival of fetuses with ENMT was determined by the gestational age at birth. All the fetuses between 22-23 weeks of gestational age were born still, whereas those at 24-25 weeks of age died during the early neonatal period. From among a group of fetuses born at 26-27 weeks' gestation, only 65.2% survived.

delivery outcomes; risk factors; extremely low birth weight fetuses; complications of pregnancy; birth complications.
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Int J Biomed. 2011; 1(4):204-209. © 2011 International Medical Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved.