¹Medical Centre «Novomeditsina», Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation,
²St. Petersburg State Budgetary Health Care Organization «Municipal Hospital #2», Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
*Corresponding author: Irina V. Sarvilina, PhD, ScD, Medical Centre «Novomeditsina», 186, Gorky str., apt. # 55, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation. Tel: 7-903-4364866; 7-863-2003073. E-mail: isarvilina@mail.ru
There is no scientific data on the molecular mechanisms of reproductive aging in women. The purpose of the study is the development of molecular phenotypes of the aging in women with gynecologic pathology of reproductive and post-reproductive periods. The present study included 90 women with subfertility of varying degrees of severity and infertility. All the patients were divided into three groups: I group (n=30) included patients with a weak degree of subfertility; II group (n=30) with middle and high degree of subfertility; III group (n=30) with clinical infertility. All the patients underwent the routine diagnosis of the sub- and infertility. Molecular phenotyping of blood serum and cervicovaginal fluid processed with methods in proteomics: the prefractionation, the separation of proteins with standard sets, MALDI-TOF-MS/MS. Bioinformatics analysis of the molecules in the biosamples was based on the integrated database "Bioinformatic Harvester". Statistical analysis of the survey data was performed using the software "Statistica 7.0". Proteomic analysis helps in the detection of differences in the component composition of the serum proteins and CVF in women with subfertility of varying degrees of severity and infertility compared with the control group of fertile women. We have data on the universal molecular pathways of the development of reproductive aging in women with subfertility and infertility.
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Int J Biomed. 2012; 2(3):174-178. © 2012 International Medical Research and Development Corporation. All rights reserved.