Biologic Aspects of Advanced Implant Dentistry

Timur V. Melkumyan, Nuritdin Kh. Kamilov, Zurab S. Khabadze, Maria K. Makeeva, Julietta V. Rau, Angela D. Dadamova

For citation: Melkumyan TV, Kamilov NKh, Khabadze ZS, Makeeva MK, Rau JV, Dadamova AD. Biologic Aspects of Advanced Implant Dentistry. International Journal of Biomedicine. 2024;14(3):392-397. doi:10.21103/Article14(3)_RA4
Originally published September 6, 2024


The present review was intended to provide several important biological insights into the practice of implant dentistry. Despite many benefits, it’s clear that a dental implant does not share the features of a dentoperiodontal unit, and alveolar bone tolerates an implant, as far as its physiology goes, within the range of adequate response to direct masticatory load. The importance of a gingival tight seal around the transmucosal part of an implant cannot be overestimated from both biological and esthetic aspects. Considering the multifactorial nature of bone augmentation, the successful outcome of this type of surgery is still a matter of chance.

dental implant • dentoperiodontal unit • alveolar bone • gingiva
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Received July 15, 2024.
Accepted August 31, 2024.
©2024 International Medical Research and Development Corporation.